Bunny Bowl Filler
Approx. 4” Tall x 6” Wide
½ Yard Osnaburg Fabric
Instant Coffee
Black Linen Thread
Rusty Bell
White Wool
Felting Needle
White Fabric Marking Pen
Paint Brush-flat for Dying Bunnies
Chop Stick-stuffing
10” Hemostat
Stuffing Tool
Doll Needle
Ecru Button Thread
Craft Glue
Brown Felt (optional)
Note: Many of the supplies needed for this and my other patterns will
soon be offered on my site. Hopefully, in January. So you won’t have
to wonder around the web to find items listed on my supply list. Please
check back for these items and patterns soon. Thank you for your
Bunny Bowl Filler
Approx. 4” Tall x 6” Wide
. Please read all instructions before beginning
this project. It will help you understand how to create them better.
Also, if you can, get a 10" Hemostat. This is a great tool to help you
stuff. It can cut your stuffing time in half. You can copy this pattern
onto card stock and cut out it to make a harder template. No other
copying allowed please. Let's begin!
Note: Please remember to wash all fabrics you intend
to coffee dye first. This will take out the sizing and
film that is on the fabric and will help fabric to
absorb coffee dying better. It also gives fabric a bit
more worn look for the primitive touch.
(Do not use liquid fabric softener in wash, fabric will
not take coffee dye process well)
RSO=right side out!
Cof fee Dying & Baking
To coffee dye, simply use 1 cup of very hot water, not boiling (may
shrink fabrics). Then add 3 or so heaping tablespoons of instant
coffee. Stir. Add a tablespoon of vanilla and cinnamon to your coffee
for some nice smells. (you can save this mixture, place in fridge for all
your other projects) Paint coffee mixture onto the stuffed bunny.
Place bunny on lined baking sheet (use manila folder or card stock
paper). Bake in oven at 200 degrees turning over every 10-15
minutes till dry. You can also let them air dry in the sun.
Bunny Body
Trace bunny pattern onto double layer of Osnaburg fabric.
Sew on traced lines. Clip edges before turning. Cut a 1-1 .”
slit horizontally on single layer of fabric to turn bunny RSO.
Stuff ears lightly, stuff the rest of the bunny firmly. Sew slit
shut. Coffee dye-see instructions above.
Bunny Face
Draw a line for the whites of the eye horizontally. Let dry. I
only put eyes on one side of the face, but you can place both
eyes on the bunny. With black linen thread, stitch 2 lines
vertically for pupil. Stitch a line up the middle of ears to
separate them. Sew the nose on with doubled pink
embroidery thread. Make a vertical line down below the
nose. Take a double strand of ecru button thread and sew on
whiskers. Clip and glue where needed.
Tail and Cheeks
Grab a tiny bit of wool and ball it up the best you can. Hold
down on face then carefully push your felting needle in and
out to secure cheek. Push wool towards the center with
needle then push down. Try to roll wool towards the center
of the cheek while pushing wool in. Repeat the process for
the tail except make the ball larger. Cut excess wool where
needed. Rub a little blush for cheeks. Tie a bell on with
black linen thread. Cover back of bunny with brown felt if
you like to cover up the unsightly slit and knots.
All done. I hope you enjoyed making the “Bunny Bowl
Filler”. This is a quick and easy project, so you can make lots
and lots of them. String the back of the bunny to hang on
your Easter tree if you have one. Happy Easter!